At The Same Time Chapter One Excerpt

  A man put it to me by saying ‘I can believe in God all right, but what I cannot swallow is the idea of Him attending to several hundred million human beings who are all addressing Him at the same moment.’ -C. S. Lewis.⁠ ((Lewis, C. S. “Mere Christianity: Book 4....

That’s Not Fair Chapter Two Excerpt

My youngest grandson was just three when out of the blue I heard him say,“That’s not fair!” His words were emotional and strong. He obviously knew what fair and unfair meant. Having practiced Pediatrics for some thirty years I never stop marveling at this. Children...

The Good Force Chapter Three Excerpt

Coexistence of an eternally present Good and Bad presents a question which has to be answered. What makes us call one force good and the other force bad? There are only two possibilities. Are each of us calling one good and the other bad simply out of our own personal...

Our Spiritual Anatomy Chapter Four Excerpt

Even as a young child I wanted to know what part of me was heart, spirit, and soul, and how these related to my physical body. What I want to teach you now is your spiritual anatomy. There are three major divisions of your being; your physical body, your soul or...

Virtue and Vice Chapter Five Excerpt

Envy is the perverted desire for your own good which motivates you to deprive others of their good. The focus of envy is not simply an object. It is generalized disdain for all good in someone else. Covetousness, or avarice, though somewhat similar, is not the same as...

Three Personalities Chapter Six Excerpt

So we have a dire dilemma. God our creator, put within us His Moral Law. His nature is all good. His nature is only good. If we followed his Moral Law perfectly, we would be good too. Read more...Close...Adam and Eve’s first failure to keep the Moral Law doomed all of...
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