cover170x170This video highlights the first chapter in a new book that I’m currently writing. Many may be interested in how I came up with the numbers. When I first started researching this, I found no where on the web that the claims of evolution had been put to the statistical test. The numbers are real and detailed in the fully completed chapter of that book.

The music clip used in my video comes from the Overture entitled I Am (Creation) in the album Music Inspired By The Story. The composer is Bernie Herms under the label 2011 EMI Christian Music Group, Inc., Word Entertainment LLC, Provident Label Group.

I love this great inspirational album and you can buy it on iTunes here. I encourage you that if you haven’t been to a production of The Story, you need to go! (This is not a solicited plug, either, by the way.)

The website is also with great content.


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